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ARVIZIO was founded in 2016, in Ottawa, Canada with a mission to deliver the next generation of mixed reality team collaboration and visualization technology to a range of markets including AEC, Energy, Mining and Engineering.


ARVIZIO offers the industry’s first mixed reality server platform for real time collaboration and visualization both locally and across locations.


The seamless integration of holographic computing and live communications creates unique experiences for sharing real world visual information and augmented reality data among members of your team.


IATEC Plant Solutions can now share its vast experience in seamlessly integrating holographic computing and live communications, and help its customers select, customize, purchase and maintain the full range of ARVIZIO products.


ARVIZIO provides solutions to these key issues facing businesses today. Organizations are actively seeking solutions that can scale and accelerate the digital transformation of their businesses. Companies need improved technologies to aid in training and to assist workers in completing new, and complex, tasks on the job. The use of AR for knowledge transfer and training offers the ability to rapidly upskill the workforce.


ARVIZIO Instructor rapidly increases training and upskilling of the workforce while improving safety, reducing equipment downtime, and eliminating costly travel expenses:

  • Step-by-step AR guided instruction;

  • Utilize 3D models, video, documents and photos;

  • Remote expert assistance.


ARVIZIO Immerse 3D enterprise software provides rich 3D visualization of BIM/CAD models and point clouds in multi-user, multi-location, collaborative experiences for all project phases:

  • 3D visualization of large models;

  • Multi-user, multi-locations collaboration;

  • HoloLens 2 and mobile AR.

ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor


ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

AR Instructor

AR Instructor provides on-the-job guidance using pre-prepared augmented reality instructions, streamlines operations, reduces errors and increases safety with easy-to-understand visual instructions that overlay the real world.


AR Instructor offers advanced use of Digital Twins and 3D models provides a new way to interactively author AR procedures without being on site. Each step of a guided workflow can be illustrated with video, documents, images and 3D models superimposed on objects in the user's field of view.

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ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

Features AR Instructor

AR Instructor offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities including:


  • Step-by-step AR guided workflows using augmented reality overlays;

  • AR content including 3D models, videos, images, documents and annotations;

  • QR code or model-based anchors for alignment with the real world;

  • Digital Twin workflows for interactive training using 3D models;

  • Authored workflows can be shared by users in an organization;

  • Remote expert collaboration with “see what I see” video and remote mark-ups.

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ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor
ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

Digital Twin.

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ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

LiDAR, Photogrammetry, BIM and CAD Model Streaming from Edge and Cloud.

AR Immerse 3D

Immerse 3D has the ability to share and interact with 3D models in AR using collaborative web meeting platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. Turn virtual meetings holding CAD, BIM and other popular 3D model formats planning and review sessions and visualize AR digital twins into a fully synchronized experience using mixed reality headsets and/or mobile devices.


Digital transformation is rapidly accelerating in many industries including AEC, energy, mining, industrial design, and manufacturing sectors where organizations are increasingly utilizing AR/MR solutions to deliver innovative Digital Twin experiences with industrial scale 3D models and LiDAR scans.


ARVIZIO’s Immerse 3D enterprise class solution offers end users industry-leading hybrid rendering and 3D model optimization capabilities that allow customers to conduct 3D multi-user collaborative reviews, on-site model alignment for AR inspections and interactive web meetings with shared 3D models in AR.

The AR Immerse 3D solution includes the following key components:


ARVIZIO Director

  • Windows based application that provides end users with a set of GUI tools and wizards for creating AR workflows including import, processing, optimization, and hybrid rendering of complex 3D models and LiDAR scans;

  • ARVIZIO Director provides control and management of multi-user collaboration sessions, project data management and IoT data integration.


Immerse 3D App

  • Mixed reality application for complex 3D model viewing and collaboration;

  • Immerse 3D works in conjunction with ARVIZIO Director and XR Connect services and allows HoloLens 2 and Mobile AR (iOS, Android) users to visualize, collaborate and interact with 3D models in real time.


ARVIZIO Cloud Services

  • ARVIZIO hosted cloud-based secure connectivity and content synchronization services that enable multi-user 3D collaboration across multiple locations.

ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor
ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

Features AR Immerse 3D

  • Optimization of complex 3D Models;

  • Hybrid rendering for point clouds and mesh models;

  • Real-time session and sharing services;

  • Extensive range of formats for BIM, CAD, LiDAR, photogrammetry;

  • Integration of project documents, images and IoT data;

  • Multi-party synchronized 3D experiences across multiple devices;

  • Local and remote model markup;

  • Multi-user collaboration, audio bridging and avatar representation;

  • BIM 360 model import;

  • Measurement and alignment tools.

ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor
ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor

The Mixed Reality Studio Immerse 3D applications allows multiple HoloLens 2 users to interact with the same content. AR Instructor can connect the frontline medical staff with a remote expert who sees what the on-site worker sees and provides real-time guidance and AR annotations for problem resolution and/or work validation.

ARVIZIO-Arvizio Immerse 3D e Instructor
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